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釋永東 教授 (Ven. Dr. Yung Dong)




印度大乘佛教思想 (Indian Mahayana Buddhism)
中觀思想及其論著 (Madhyamika Philosophy)
唯識思想及其經論研究 (Consciousness-only Philosophy)
如來藏思想的發展及其經論 (Buddhist Texts in terms of Tathagatagarbha)
禪宗三經比較 (Chinese Chan Texts)
大乘佛經研究 (Research on Buddhist Texts)
佛典導讀 (Sutra Studies)
佛教倫理學 (Buddhist Ethics)
宗教行政法規 (Administrative Law of Religion)
禪偈與生命智慧 (Chan Verse and Life Wisdom)
禪修的理論與實踐 (The Theory and Practice of Meditation)
人間佛教與管理學 (Humanistic Buddhism and Management)
美國佛教 (Buddhism in America)
印度佛教史 (History of Indian Buddhism)
中國佛教史 (History of Chinese Buddhism)
佛學概論 (Introduction to Buddhist Studies)
世界宗教 (World Religions)
宗教學概論 (Introduction to Religious Studies)
宗教學原理及研究方法 (The Principle of Religion and Its Research Methodology)
宗教學研究方法(Methodology of Religious Studies)
佛學研究方法 (Methodology of Buddhist Studies)                                                   宗教研究田野調查 (Field Study of Religious Research)                                    佛典英譯 (English Translation of Buddhist Text)                                                 佛教英文 (English Buddhism)                                                                                宗教與信仰 (Religion and Belief)
英文實習 (English Practicum)
大一英文 (English for Freshmen)

Fo Guang University

TEL: 03-9871000#21517
No.160, Linwei Rd., Jiaosi Shiang, Yilan County 26247, Taiwan(R.O.C.)