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首頁>Overseas Students>Announcement of International Student Admission(Fall Semester 2024)秋季班外國學生申請入學招生公告
Announcement of International Student Admission(Fall Semester 2024)秋季班外國學生申請入學招生公告

新鮮人入口網-Announcement of International Student Admission(Fall Semester 2024)秋季班外國學生申請入學招生公告

【2024 Fall Semester International Students Admission 2024 秋季班 外國學生招生入學】

1. Download PDF Files 簡章及表單下載

Application Handbook for International Students 2023/2024 Enrollment (PDF download here) 113學年度外國學生申請入學招生簡章下載。

2. Important Schedule 重要日程表

Fall Semester 2024, in September Enrollment

2.1.Application Handbook Release Date 招生簡章發佈日期:
15th January 2024

2.2  Application Period 報名時間:
1st February 2024 – 30th April 2024

2.3  Admission result announcement date 放榜日期:
30th June 2024

2.4 Issue Admission letter date 錄取通知書寄發日期:
1st July 2024


3. Online application system 線上報名
The online application system :

International Student Application Procedure Manual

4. Language Proficiency 語言能力門檻注意事項

Applicants must be reasonably proficient in basic reading, listening, speaking and writing Chinese, regardless of whether they are applying to an English/Chinese taught program.

English-taught departments and degree programs require submission of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) B1 examination or other relevant English language proficiency certification.

Chinese-taught departments and degree programs require submission of the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) A2 examination or other relevant Chinese language proficiency certification.


5. Financial statement 財力證明

Financial statement that shows financial sustainability for study in Taiwan (Bank account balance statement of last three months showing the amount of at least NTD$180,000 or USD$6,000), or proof of full scholarship provided by a government agency, university, college, or private organization.


6. Tuition & Fees Payment and Refund Policy 學雜費收退費基準

The fees listed below are applicable for designated semester(s) and subject to change. Always refer to last updated Fees chart as the standard.


學系名稱 College & Department 費用合計Fee TotalNT
創意與科技學院碩士班-文化資產與創意學組 Master program for Cultural Assets and Reinvention, College of Creativity and Technology 44,540
創意與科技學院碩士班-傳播學組 Master program for Communication, College of Creativity and Technology 50,560
傳播學系 Department of Communication 50,560
創意與科技學院碩士班-產品與媒體設計學組 Master program for Product and Media Design, College of Creativity and Technology 50,560
產品與媒體設計學系 Department of Product and Media Design 50,560
創意與科技學院碩士班-資訊應用學組 Master program for Applied Informatics, College of Creativity and Technology 50,560
資訊應用學系 Department of Applied Informatics 50,560
人文學院碩士班-中國文學與應用學組 Master program for Chinese Literature and Application, College of Humanities 44,540
中國文學與應用學系 Department of Chinese Literature and Application 44,540
人文學院碩士班-歷史學組 Master program for History, College of Humanities 44,540
歷史學系 Department of History 44,540
人文學院碩士班-外國語文學組 Master program for Foreign Languages and Cultures, College of Humanities 44,540
外國語文學系 Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures 44,540
社會學暨社會工作學系 Department of Sociology and Social Work 44,540
社會學暨社會工作學系碩士班社會學組 Master Program for Sociology, Department of Sociology and Social Work 44,540
社會學暨社會工作學系碩士班社會工作學組 Master Program for Social Work, Department of Sociology and Social Work 44,540
心理學系 Department of Psychology 50,560
心理學系碩士班一般心理學組 Master Program for Basic Psychology, Department of Psychology 50,560
公共事務學系 Department of Public Affairs 44,540
公共事務學系國際與兩岸事務碩士班 Master Program for International and Cross-Strait Affairs, Department of Public Affairs 44,540
公共事務學系政策與行政管理碩士班 Master Program for Public Policy and Administration, Department of Public Affairs 44,540
管理學院運動與健康促進管理學士學位學程 B.A. program for Sports and Health Promotion, College of Management 50,560
管理學系 Department of Management 44,540
應用經濟學系 Department of Economics 44,540
樂活產業學院碩士班 Master of Science in LOHAS Industries 44,540
樂活產業學系 Department of LOHAS Industries 44,540
健康與創意蔬食產業學系 Department of Health and Creative Vegetarian Science 50,560
佛教學系 Department of Buddhist Studies 44,540
佛教學系碩士班(中文組) Chinese Program, Department of Buddhist Studies 44,540
佛教學系碩士班(英文組) English Program, Department of Buddhist Studies 44,540




  • Withdrawal before the registration date (including the registration date) is exempt from fees.

  • Withdrawal before the start of classes after registration results in a 2/3 tuition refund. Miscellaneous fees, computer, and internet communication charges are fully refunded.

  • Withdrawal before completing 1/3 of the semester results in a 2/3 tuition refund, 2/3 refund for miscellaneous fees, and 2/3 refund for computer and internet communication charges.

  • Withdrawal after completing 1/3 but less than 2/3 of the semester results in a 1/3 tuition refund, 1/3 refund for miscellaneous fees, and 1/3 refund for computer and internet communication charges.

  • Withdrawal after completing 2/3 of the semester results in no refund for tuition, miscellaneous fees, and computer and internet communication charges.

  • The charging and refund standards are primarily based on the announcements from the accounting office.

7. Scholarship 獎學金資訊

  • 臺灣獎學金(Taiwan Scholarship)

申請者於每年2 月1 日至3 月31 日可至當地之臺灣辦事處或最近的臺灣辦事處(若該國沒有臺灣辦事處)申請此項獎學金。查詢臺灣駐外館處可至http://www.mofa.gov.tw/ (外交部網站)查詢。
International students may apply for the Taiwan Scholarship offered by the government. Please check:http://www.studyintaiwan.org/      for detailed information. Applicants may apply from February 1 through March 31 every year, at the Taiwan overseas representative office in their country, or in the event that there is no Taiwan's overseas representative office in their country, apply with the Taiwan overseas representative office in the nearest country. For information on Taiwan's overseas representative offices, please refer to:http://www.mofa.gov.tw/ (website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

  • 校內獎助學金(Fo Guang University Scholarship)



Information on the Fo Guang University Scholarship can be found at the following link:

8. Contact Us 聯絡資訊

TEL:+886-3-9871000 ext. 12521,Email: hcchih@gm.fgu.edu.tw, oica@gm.fgu.edu.tw 。










Overseas Students

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